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Recovery and follow-up

We were happy to have Isaiah home.  We were happy that he was finally getting better.  We were happy that we didn't need to make the trek down to SickKids.  We were happy that all four of us could eat breakfast together again.

Recovery for Isaiah was not easy.  He had lost a lot of weight during his illness and had not been walking around for almost two weeks.  He was hesitant about walking again and he was experiencing pain in his joints.  I remember the first time I got him to walk unassisted.  I was so happy and proud.  It felt like he was learning to walk all over again at 3 years old!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Isaiah!
Isaiah with his big brother, Noah.

We had a quiet birthday celebration for Isaiah with just the four of us.  I got him the Diego balloons and cake that I had promised him long ago.  Poor guy was so tired that he opted to go to bed at 6:30 pm instead of eating his birthday cake.

After all that Isaiah had been through we wanted to ensure that he did not pick any viruses.  Even though we were told it is very rare, we were concerned that he would have another Kawasaki disease episode.  Also, steroids are known to lower your immunity, so he was more susceptible to viruses.  In addition, we knew that if Isaiah got the flu, we may have had to take him off his aspirin due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome. Given all of this, we did not take Isaiah out anywhere, except for his doctor's appointments and restricted visitors to our home.  It was not a pleasant way to live for any of us, but at the time we felt it was the right thing to do.

Six week follow-up 
On December 9th we headed down to SickKids for Isaiah's 6 week follow-up echocardiogram.  It was our understanding that this was a routine 6 week check-up done on all KD kids.  He was to do his echo, ECG and bloodwork, and then return the following week for an appointment with the cardiologist to discuss the results.  We fully expected that the echocardiogram would show that the inflammation had resolved itself and that we could put this whole ordeal behind us.

After the echo was completed the sonographer had to check with a cardiologist to ensure that the information gathered was sufficient.  When she returned we were told to go back to the waiting room, until someone came to speak to us.  I thought it was odd, since we weren't scheduled to speak to the doctor until the next week.  A nurse practitioner who works with Isaiah's cardiologist came to speak to us regarding Isaiah's echo.  She proceeded to tell us that Isaiah's echo showed that he had developed some large coronary aneurysms as a result of the Kawasaki disease.  The nightmare that we thought was over was being replaced by an entirely different one.
